
Oracle 19c json query example
Oracle 19c json query example

oracle 19c json query example

I have takes these scripts and combined them with a Gitpod workspace definition I already had prepared for Oracle Database 23c.

Oracle 19c json query example code#

With the book comes the source code – code from many of the examples in the book and the DDL and DML scripts to set up the database for running these examples against.

oracle 19c json query example

With its many practical examples – explaining and comparing features in a down to earth manner that far surpasses the often cryptic explanations in the Oracle Database documentation. Virtual private databases provide the appearance of giving each user their own database, again helping to secure sensitive data.Īnyone working with Oracle Database as a developer – either writing PL/SQL to run inside the database or crafting SQL to run against the database – would benefit from reading this book. Data redaction enables easier compliance with privacy laws and similar regulations by protecting sensitive data from those who have no need to see it. Edition-based redefinition (one of my favorite mechanisms in Oracle Database) enables zero-downtime application and schema upgrades. Part III introduces a vast array of built-in functionality that Oracle provides that is just waiting to be used. JSON is the clear winner in data exchange formats at present (the XML of today) and Oracle Database has extensive support for working with JSON as Patrick and Alex demonstrate. A lot of time (or rather pages) is spent discussing JSON: constructing and parsing JSON documents for data interchange with other systems. You’ll learn about SQL macro functions for creating reusable SQL fragments and polymorphic table functions with return types determined by incoming argument types. Part II covers how and when to invoke PL/SQL from SQL while maintaining performance. This book brings you up to speed with Oracle Database 19c and a little bit beyond. Back in 2003 we introduced the Oracle 7Up training at AMIS – for ourselves and the community because we concluded that even though we were working with Oracle 9iR2, we were basically still using it like we used Oracle7. You’ll learn about new join types, pattern matching across rows, Top N pagination (useful in reporting!), qualified expressions, and enhancements to iterators that reduce code complexity and make your logic easier to understand. Part 1 – Advanced Basics – looks at features in SQL and PL/SQL that are underused and should be better known – at least by you (yes you, dear reader!).

oracle 19c json query example

The book discusses many of the wonders of SQL and PL/SQL – the well and lesser known things you can (and should) do when programming in and against the Oracle Database. My fellow Oracle ACE Directors and former AMIS-colleagues Patrick Barel and Alex Nuijten have co-authored an impressive book:

Oracle 19c json query example